
Friday, July 23, 2010

What a year it has been and promises to be

Lots of things have changed over the last year. Not even a year ago Daniel and I were talking about getting engaged. It has been a month now since we were married. Things are going great minus the fact that twice in the last month I have had a summer cold. Yuck. I went to Lonoke the other day to take care of paperwork and got more than I bargained for. I found out that they didn't rehire for the Spanish position for the teacher that left so therefore I am teaching all three levels of Spanish. If that is not enough, I am teaching an extra class and getting no prep. My principal tried to console me with the fact I would get paid extra for that class. I am just not sure my sanity is worth a little more money. So it is that I will be teaching 3 levels of Spanish, doing Spanish club, teaching 7 classes a day with no promises to be an intense year. After freaking out about my workload, I decided to head to Lonoke to work on my computer for a few hours and get the ball rolling with all these classes I have to teach. I get to Lonoke only to discover my computer is not a happy camper. I get the blue screen of death a few times and then notify the tech guys. I head to the main building to try to catch the principal so I can voice some of my concerns about the new teaching scenario, but he is no where to be found. I decide to see what work I could get done on my network drive, but my password doesn't work so I have to bug the tech guys again to reset it. Finally, I get in but there is nothing on my network. Don't know where it magically disappeared to, but I am hoping that when I return to Lonoke some time in the coming weeks that the technology disaster of Tuesday are resolved and I can magically find everything that has disappeared. The rest of the week has been spent trying to get things organized and now I have a stupid fever and head cold. It has been one of those weeks. I even got bit by a neighbor's dog. One of those weeks I will be glad to have in the past. Think I will work on my wedding photo book.

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